Frequently Asked Questions

What range of services do you provide?
Our comprehensive academic writing services encompass research proposals, projects, dissertations, essays, assignments, and meticulous editing. We ensure precision through thorough proofreading and citation verification
How do I place an order?
You can place an order via live chat, email, or creating a customised plan online, and we'll call you back within 24 business hours.
Do you have editors and proofreaders?
Yes, in addition to professional writers, we have editors and proofreaders on our UK Essay Writers team. When a writer finishes your order, it's checked by one of the editors to make sure all initial instructions were met. If you require an editing or proofreading service, then you will work with a professional editor.
Is it possible to track the progress of my order?
Our writers always follow deadlines that are agreed upon with the client. So, there shouldn't be a problem with timing. Still, you can always ask either your manager or a writer about the order progress! We provide direct communication with the writing team and will update you on the order status.
How can I add more information to my order?
You may have an opportunity to get connected with your Project Manager and add as much information at the time placing an order because the more information we have more we will be able to produce the best quality results for your paper. You control the order's progress, and if you are not satisfied with any part of the paper or want to elaborate more on some of its points, feel free to ask for it. We don't charge for the changes within the instructions you made after placing the order and will make sure to fulfil all your requests.
Do you offer revisions?
We want to be sure that we deliver the work that is completely suited to your needs. It's completely normal that you may want to make some changes. When an order is completed, you will be granted 14-30 days of free unlimited revisions. Once again, a writer will run through the final draft and make the necessary changes, just as you instruct.
How can I secure my payment?
Your data's security is our highest priority, and we take industry-standard measures to keep your files safe and protected from unauthorized access. Also, your documents are uploaded through a secure SSL connection and handled with complete confidentiality. We only work with trusted payment systems, so you can pay for your order safely.

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